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Renewable Energy

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For billions of years, the wind, the sun, and water have provided infinite potential for sustainable and renewable energy. So why wait before we put them to good and profitable use.

At EETC, we use innovative technologies to harness these renewable energies to generate power for thousands of households, cooking fuel for rural communities and sundry applications. EETC’s diverse portfolio of renewable power generation products and services is changing the way we think about power.

Biofuels; Turning Trash Into Treasure

Biofuels are fuels made from recently living organisms. They can be divided into three categories:

  • First-generation biofuels are made largely from edible sugars and starches.
  • Second-generation biofuels are made from non-edible plant materials.
  • Third-generation biofuels are made from algae and other microbes. EETC is using the Second-generation biofuels from “Jathropha Curcas”. With our team of engineers and partner we intend to provide affordable extractor, stoves and generator for rural electrification and cooking to reduce desertification. EETChas a 6 hectare Jathropha Curcas demonstration plantation for biofuel generation at Kwali Local Government, a suburb of the Abuja Federal Capital Territory which we will use as a proof-of-concept tool. We are at the forefront of coordinating a National databank of all activities leading to the production and utilisation of bio-diesel from Jatropha Curcas in Nigeria.

Solar energy – Harnessing the Sun’s Energy

Solar energy is power from the sun’s rays that reach the earth. The amount of energy the world consumes in a year is less than 6 hours of energy received in our deserts. Using photovoltaic cells made from silicon alloys, sunlight can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. The cells make it ready to use for thousands of household. Steam generators using thermal collectors to heat a fluid, such as water, sometimes convert even higher amounts of solar energy into electricity.

Wind Energy: Complete wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and service projects

As demand for clean power generation to meet the world’s growing energy need increases, EETC Wind Power has the answers. With highly efficient, robust and reliable wind turbines, our partners has a demonstrated history indelivering proven solutions to onshore, coastal and offshore sites. EETC Wind Power’s service team is dedicated to keeping the turbines running optimally throughout their entire lifecycle. EETC also offers integrated solutions and services that meet the demands of the entire wind energy conversion chain.

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