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Letter from the President

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Energy and Engineering Technology Consulting Ltd (EETC) was conceived as both a think tank and an entrepreneurial vehicle, to add value across the whole value chain of the Energy and Engineering sector, with a special focus on Nigeria

Our Management team comes with arguably the most resourceful pedigree in the Nigeria space and can compete with any similar organization worldwide. This is easily the case for the mere reason that while most other organizations only parade well-heeled professionals on their board, our are a hands-on management team deploying their skills and experience on a daily basis. In total, our team has over 150 years of experience in the Energy industry.

Our strategic alliances with world-renowned technology-driven service providers ensure we have the capability to deploy competencies across diverse areas of Energy and engineering.

Despite our young age as a corporate entity, we have, over the months demonstrated our core values of excellence and commitment to the growth of the Nigerian Energy sector. The is visible in the free training we have carried out for some agencies as well as the offer of our training space for their capacity development programmes for free. As a learning and Knowledge management organization, we are equipped and well-positioned to provide capacity development services to organizations ranging from oil and gas training, innovative technology adaption to leadership and management training. In our business models, we do not have clients or customers but only partners. We seek to build long-lasting relationships with organizations with a yearning for excellence, who will go the length with us in our quest to guide Government and industry to the practical Path forward for the Nigerian Energy engineering.

Welcome to the Energy House

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